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Daily Mass

This week, I have been the lector at Daily Mass.  It has given me the opportunity to have a “vantage point” that I normally only have on weekends – to see out at the congregation.  Here at Christ the King, we really are blessed with such a large Daily Mass crowd.  I find it very moving, uplifting, and a strong sense of community when I see this.  I think having music as part of our Daily Mass celebration also enhances the liturgy!

I always enjoy making Daily Mass a part of my daily routine.  During the summer, it gets me up early, out of the house, and provides structure to my day.  On the days that I work, it always sends me to work with a smile on my face, and it keeps me rooted throughout the day.  Homilies are often a brief thought for the day—something to ponder on as we go about our day.

The Word of God really contains a variety of lessons for us that can relate to our daily lives, and my attendance at Daily Mass has helped me to realize that.

This summer, if your schedule allows, I encourage you to consider attending Daily Mass (8:30am at CTK - and at earlier/later times at surrounding parishes).  Even if it’s just once a week – come be part of this community that starts their day around the table.  It truly is a joyful and positive way to start the day.  (Unable to get to Mass?  Watch us on Live Stream!)

Chris Hughes
