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Follow Me: A Healing Remedy

The Gospel for this morning - the Saturday after Ash Wednesday - leaves us with a message that is worth pondering and meditating on.  Jesus says, "Follow me."

It's not an easy task, but it is certainly one that we all need to hear.  Perhaps this is something that we can work on this Lent - the ability to listen to God and follow Him.  God's Will - or God's plan for us - is how we live and breathe day in and day out.  He loves us and wants to show us the way.  Sometimes this means making sacrifices, but the sacrifices will be worth it in the end.

The Gospel goes on to say: "The Pharisees and their scribes complained to his disciples, saying, 'Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?'  Jesus said to them in reply, 'Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners.'"

Jesus is our physician - the healer of all souls and broken hearts.  He wants to help us, and we can accept his help by simply following him.  Lent is a terrific time to take advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  It does not matter how long it has been, but God, the father of mercies, is waiting for you in that Sacrament.  He is ready and willing to forgive you - no matter what.  He loves you so much, so why not take advantage of his love and his mercy?  I can promise you that you will leave the Sacrament feeling relieved, at peace, loved, and much closer to Jesus.  Follow Jesus, our physician, this Lent - he has a remedy for all that burdens you.  A remedy that can't be found at CVS or Walgreens (perhaps because it is far too powerful for that), but one that can be found through Jesus.

Chris Hughes
