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Trail of Tears

Yesterday’s Cape Cod Times had an idea/opinion offered by Leonard Pitts Jr.   Entitled “Ridicule is the last great death of a noble culture,” I found it thought-provoking and right on target.  He focused on the “Trail of Tears and other jokes” by criticizing President Trump’s remark about Senator Elizabeth Warren that was: “See you on campaign TRAIL Liz!”

Trump tied Senator Warren’s Native American ancestry to the infamous “Trail of Tears” when the Cherokee nation (and others) was marched from their lands in North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida to what we now call Oklahoma.  This was a forced and deadly “march” associated with the 1830 “The Indian Removal Act.”  Pitts also criticized Donald Jr.’s tweet: “Savage!!!  Love my President.”

Pitts said, “…one hears too many white people laughing under the delusion that these things are jokes.  It is ridicule as barrier to knowing or feeling, as all-purpose defense against claims on conscience.  And never mind that when you laugh at someone else’s traumas and passages, you diminish them.  You exile them from empathy.”

I use the word “savage” to describe what is happening at our border with Mexico.   Our President cruelly tries to stop the march of men, women, and children towards the U.S. for safety and opportunity.  Of course, illegal entry has been unchecked for the most part, and solutions are needed and continue to be sought.  Nevertheless, this trail of people to the U.S. stops at our border where there are tears and fear.

The wall being forced upon Congress and the majority of Americans is no joke.  It continues to create serious pain for the hungry and homeless.  It is anti-Jesus and anti-United States of America.  Savage!!!

Deacon David Pierce
