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On A Pilgrimage

“On another occasion, Jesus began to teach by the sea.  A very large crowd gathered around him so that he got into a boat on the sea and sat down.  And the whole crowd was beside the sea on land.  And he taught them at length in parables…” (Mark 4:1-20)

Have we ever wondered why Jesus who taught by the sea on occasion would get in a boat on the sea and then preach to the crowd that remained back on shore?   Why in a boat away from the crowd he wanted to influence?   Father James Martin provides the answer.

Father Martin in his 2014 book “Jesus: A Pilgrimage” described the Bay of Parables – a place he sought and eventually found near the area called Tabgha on the northwestern shore of the Sea of  Galilee.  Tabgha is the traditional site of the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes.

When following a path to the water, he found the ground dropping away to form a natural amphitheater with rocky ground, fertile ground, stony ground and even a thorn bush all around.  This reminded him of today’s Gospel reading.

Father Martin remembered how easy it is to hear people on a boat far off in the water.  Sound travels far and easily over water.   Therefore, being on a boat in the water would have made it far easier for Jesus to have been heard by all on the shore - those who assembled to hear his preaching.

Father Martin had many discoveries and revelations on his pilgrimage.   I suggest you read his book to journey with him on that pilgrimage again brought to life by his vivid descriptions and humor.  When you do, you will hear Jesus.

Deacon David Pierce
