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Woe to me, mother, that you gave me birth, a man of strife and contention to all the land! I neither borrow nor lend, yet all curse me. When I found your words, I devoured them; they became my joy and the happiness of my heart. Because I bore your name, O LORD, God of hosts, I did not sit celebrating in the circle of merrymakers. Under the weight of your hand I sat alone because you filled me with indignation. Why is my pain continuous, my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? You have indeed become for me a treacherous brook, whose waters do not abide! 

Thus the LORD answered me: If you repent, so that I restore you, in my presence you shall stand. If you bring forth the precious without the vile, you shall be my mouthpiece. Then it shall be they who turn to you, and you shall not turn to them. And I will make you toward this people a solid wall of brass. Though they fight against you, they shall not prevail. For I am with you, to deliver and rescue you, says the LORD. I will free you from the hand of the wicked and rescue you from the grasp of the violent. (Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21)

Let’s be the LORD’s mouthpieces.  That’s accomplished when we “bring forth the precious without the vile.”  It’s too easy to spew vile thoughts through open mouths with sharp tongues.  It takes care and consideration to speak the precious – words of care, compassion, and love reflecting understanding and empathy.  Of course, speaking the precious risks our having to deal with treacherous brooks; that is, those who prefer to wound us and cause us pain.  Such are those who don’t make merry but prefer to sow discord and hate.

The LORD is on our side for the LORD is with us to deliver and rescue us from the wicked and the violent.  We are to be “solid walls of brass” meaning we must stand firm against hypocrites, liars, cheats, and deceivers.  They fight against us, but they will not prevail.  In the LORD’s presence we slip their tightening and violent grip by being God's mouthpieces.  Let us roar!

Deacon David Pierce 
