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Our Golden Goose

The Lord said: “Woe to you who build the memorials of the prophets whom your fathers killed. Consequently, you bear witness and give consent to the deeds of your ancestors, for they killed them and you do the building. Therefore, the wisdom of God said, ‘I will send to them prophets and Apostles; some of them they will kill and persecute’ in order that this generation might be charged with the blood of all the prophets shed since the foundation of the world, from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah who died between the altar and the temple building. Yes, I tell you, this generation will be charged with their blood!

Woe to you, scholars of the law! You have taken away the key of knowledge. You yourselves did not enter and you stopped those trying to enter.” When Jesus left, the scribes and Pharisees began to act with hostility toward him and to interrogate him about many things, for they were plotting to catch him at something he might say. (Luke 11:47-54)

Prophets figure prominently in this Gospel with Jesus speaking about the killing and prosecution of prophets.  He tells us that if we remember prophets and their correct predictions, but we ignore those predictions and the truth they proclaimed, then we conspire with those who did the killing and prosecution.  We are guilty as well.

America is our golden goose.  Many have predicted that division, partisanship, and individualism at the expense of community, compassion, and the common good will kill the goose.  Considering what is happening especially now as we head to 2020 elections, it seems the goose’s neck is stretched on the chopping block.  Who among us will wield the ax?  Instead, who among us will abide by Catholic principles of morality or be guided by U.S. Catholic Bishops’ “Call to Political Responsibility” by forming our consciences for faithful citizenship?

Our prophets have been correct.  We must bear witness and give consent to those who will protect our Golden Goose.  Otherwise, its feathers will be stripped and the oven readied. None of us should want that on our conscience.

Deacon David Pierce
