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Seek Good Not Evil

The verse before today’s Gospel reading is from Amos (5:14).  It reads: “Seek good and not evil so that you may live, and the Lord will be with you.” 

The beginning of Amos 5 (7-12) reads: Woe to those who turn justice into wormwood and cast righteousness to the ground. They hate those who reprove at the gate and abhor those who speak with integrity. Therefore, because you tax the destitute and exact from them levies of grain; though you have built houses of hewn stone, you shall not live in them. Though you have planted choice vineyards, you shall not drink their wine. Yes, I know how many are your crimes, how grievous your sins: Oppressing the just, accepting bribes, turning away the needy at the gate.

According to our Bible, “Amos’s message stands as one of the most powerful voices ever to challenge hypocrisy and injustice. He boldly indicts kings, priests, and leaders.”  He boldly indicts us, and our government leaders. 

Yes, we know how many our crimes, how grievous our sins: oppressing the just, accepting bribes, turning away the needy at the gate.  To pardon our sins we must repent by seeking the good and not evil.  This should be a Lenten promise we should strive to keep.  Let's not be makers of wormwood.  Better still, let's not be Wormwood, as in Screwtape Letters.  

[Note: In July 1940, C.S. Lewis came up with the idea of a senior demon named Screwtape mailing trade secrets and frank pointers to his greenhorn nephew, Wormwood, who has been charged with corrupting a human soul.]

Deacon David Pierce
