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The Pastor's Pen


January 16, 2022, Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

From Bishop Da Cunha: As the number of new daily COVID cases increase and concern over the Omicron variant grows, we are reminded of the need to provide as safe an environment for worship as possible for our faithful people. The Diocese of Fall River continues to strongly encourage all parishioners to wear a mask while attending Mass or any other liturgical celebration unless unable to do so because of a medical condition or under the age of 2. This is particularly important for anyone with a weakened immune system; anyone at risk for severe disease because of age or underlying medical condition; or anyone in a household with someone having these conditions with or with someone who is unvaccinated. The recent surge in virus transmission in many places is a clear indication that the pandemic has not passed, and continued vigilance is required. Parishioners are asked to please keep in mind the need for a collective commitment to the overall good of the parish community

From Fr. Healey: At no other time during the nearly 22 months of this pandemic have I been personally acquainted with so many people who have contracted the Corona Virus thus attesting to the truth that even here on Cape Cod the number of cases is presently increasing daily. Public Health Officials believe that this present surge has not yet reached its peak and will probably do so within these next two weeks. Not all who are infected are experiencing merely mild symptoms, but some are becoming more seriously ill, and some must be hospitalized. In spite of what some may wish to believe, the numbers of those infected, seriously ill, hospitalized and dying due to COVID and its complications do not lie; this is a situation that deserves our most serious attention and very careful response. So as Christian people called to love more than to fear, let us take every reasonable precaution available to us to be good stewards of our own wellbeing and most especially that of others in these challenging times. If we can get vaccinated or boosted, let us do so without delay, and let us use effective face coverings if we are not prohibited from doing so, especially when gathered indoors in crowds as we are when coming to Mass.

Acting in Sync with a Synodal Church: Over the next 6 weeks, various groups of the parish will be encouraged to hold dialogue sessions in regard to the themes selected by Pope Francis for the worldwide synod which are: Communion, Participation, and Mission. On February 27th following the 10:30 Mass in the Parish Hall, all parishioners are invited to a general session to dialogue in regard to the same themes so that an opportunity to do so will be given to all who wish to participate in the synodal process. Our Holy Father wants us to talk with one another about our faith and its practice in the Church and to allow the issues and concerns that resonate in common from all levels and corners of the worldwide church to be brought to a special gathering of bishops in Rome in 2023. Participation in the dialogue sessions here in our own parish will be enhanced if those who wish to participate would take a copy of some questions that might guide your reflections and prayerfully contemplate these before gathering to dialogue with others. The questions are available in printed form at the entrances of the church and will also be available on our parish website. As it would not be hospitable of the parish to invite you to this general session on February 27th which will begin at 11:45 AM and continue into the early afternoon without offering a light lunch; , It would be greatly appreciated if you would use the form provided to indicate your intention to attend in advance so that adequate provisions will be available!

Octave of Prayer for Christian Unity: Although the present pandemic will continue to prevent many interdenominational gatherings, the days from January 18th to the 25th are designated each year as a special time of prayer for the increasing unity of all who are baptized into our Lord, Jesus Christ, whose high priestly prayer expressed his great hope that we would all become and ever remain one! Thus it is imperative that we pray and act to heal the sad divisions that still separate us as Christians and remain an obstacle to our bearing more effective witness to the Gospel. The theme of the Octave this year relates to the Star of Bethlehem that led the Magi to worship Christ and was chosen by the Middle East Council of Churches because the Epiphany or “Theophany” of Christ is a prominent emphasis in theology and spirituality among Christians of that region and thus is a gift which they offer to all Christians throughout the world. On Wednesday, January 19th at 12 PM EDT, an Ecumenical Service incorporating the theme will be hosted by the Graymoor Ecumenical Institute and will be broadcast via Facebook and will remain online for viewing at any other time during the annual Octave.
