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Pastor's Pen


February 20, 2022, of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

March 2nd is ASH WEDNESDAY: Masses with the distribution of Ashes will be celebrated at 8:30 AM, 12 noon, and 5:30 PM. A Word Service with Blessing and Distribution of Ashes will take place at 7 PM for those whose work or school schedules would prevent them from participating in the Masses. 

March 1st is SHROVE TUESDAY: A day to confess and get absolved or “shriven” as it was called in old English. Indeed, the Ashes we receive on Ash Wednesday are an outward sign of our sincere commitment to repent of our sins and do penance for them. The acknowledgment of sin thus rightly precedes the reception of Ashes, and the penance follows for 40 days! Confessions of Shrove Tuesday will be held from 3 PM to 6 PM in the Church; It is the best way to start Lent off right and thus to make it a good one!

Why Participate in the Synodal Dialogue Session Next Sunday?
The Introductory Documents to the Synodal process issued by the Vatican help to make the reasons clear and compelling. “In parishes, small Christian communities, lay movements, religious communities, and other forms of communion, women, and men, young people and the elderly, we are all invited to listen to one another in order to hear the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who comes to guide our human efforts, breathing life and vitality into the Church and leading us into deeper communion for our mission in the world. As the Church embarks on this synodal journey, we must strive to ground ourselves in experiences of authentic listening and discernment on the path of becoming the Church that God calls us to be.” “ This journey, which follows in the wake of the Church’s renewal proposed by the Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a task: by journeying together and reflecting together on the journey that has been made, the Church will be able to learn through Her experience which processes can help Her to live communion, to achieve participation, to open Herself to the mission.” Plan to be present at the dialogue session here at Christ the King Parish, Sunday, February 27th in the Parish Hall following the 10:30 AM Mass. Please help our Hospitality Committee to plan for the light lunch that will be served to participants by indicating in advance your intention to attend by using the form provided.

Masses During Winters Worst Weather: The Mass is not something that we wish to “cancel” as most Masses in our Parish are being celebrated for intentions that are important to the parishioners who have requested them. However, as recent experience has shown, sometimes the weather makes it very unsafe to be driving on the roads, and not possible to park in the Parish’s yet to be completely plowed parking lots or to safely navigate walkways that have not yet been safely cleared. On such days all are asked to put their own safety and that of others first by remaining at home. To help clear up any uncertainty, or potential confusion especially when this involves storms that happen on a weekend or during a school vacation period, a message will be posted on the Parish Website and sent out via Flock note ( So please sign up for Flock note). On weekdays the messages will also be posted on our website and delivered by Flock note, but as a rule of thumb, if School in Mashpee is canceled or the opening of schools in Mashpee is delayed for more than one hour, then please do not come out for Mass as this is a clear indication that it is not yet safe to do so! As for the celebration of the Mass, when the resident pastor or an assisting priest is available during or immediately after a storm because they are already present on the parish property or proximate to it, and thus not required to drive in unsafe conditions, the Mass will be celebrated, and the intention fulfilled and available for participation through Livestream. When a priest celebrant is not available during or right after a significant storm, the Mass will not be celebrated nor available via Livestream and it will be entrusted to a monastery, or a priest retired from active ministry to be celebrated in the near future and thus the intention for which it was requested will be fulfilled. The understanding and cooperation of all is very much appreciated if the groundhog’s current prediction is reliable and we are again faced with these unusual and potentially hazardous situations before Spring finally returns!

Don’t Forget to Mark Your Calendar for the Parish Mission: Fr. Vinny Fortunato, OFM, Cap. will be here to preach a Mission titled LENT, A NEW SPRINGTIME beginning at all Masses on the weekend of March 12th/13th and continuing on the evenings of March 14th, 15th, and 16th at 7 PM. Participation is possible in person or via Livestream, so don’t miss this opportunity for spiritual renewal this Lent!
