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Christian Right

Minister Robin Meyers wrote “Why the Christian Right is Wrong: A Minister’s Manifesto for Taking Back Your Faith, Your Flag, and Your Future.”  His book was released in the spring of 2006, and in its preface to the paperback edition he lamented that during his national book tour in the summer of 2006 he realized things had gotten worse.  

Meyers said: “The extent to which this Executive Branch has seized power, neutered the Justice Department by illegally firing prosecutors, endorsed torture and then lied about it, ignored the rule of law by spying on American citizens without a warrant, and poured a trillion dollars and counting down a black hole of an illegal and immoral war was only partially known to me in 2004 when I delivered a speech at the University of Oklahoma that became the basis of this book…” He was critiquing the Bush Administration having to deal with 9/11 (2001).

I recommend his book [and the one by Obery M. Hendricks, Jr.] to review that history and his religious perspective that is frightening because in recent years things appear even worse made possible by social media and propagandists pursuing their own agendas for power, influence, and money under the guise of “truth-telling” to promote us versus them thinking and conflict.  Christians are in the thick of that conflict with very divisive behavior.  Meyers noted then, and it’s born out today about 20 years later, that Christian Authoritarianism is still on the rise with the gospel continuing to be stolen from us all.  

I’d argue that there is a Catholic Right mirroring and supporting the Christian Right.  Many Catholics would disagree with me.  

I suggest we all need to take back our faith that continues to be politicized and to be opposed to Jesus’ commandments.  Weaponizing the Eucharist is just one example.

Some may be insulted by the cartoon I've selected for this blog.  Considering what is happening, or not, in Congress about reasonable steps for gun control, I feel it's warranted.

Deacon David Pierce
