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The Pastor's Pen

 February 19, 2023 Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Paschal Season Begins; 40-3-50:

These are the number of days that are included in this very special time of year for Christians. The Paschal Season is a time of dying

and rising anew with Christ through the 40 days of the penitential season of Lent, the 3 day celebration of the Passover of the Lord from death to life called the Triduum, and the 50 day celebration of His resurrection we call Easter! Let us embrace the Paschal season in its entirety – not stopping at the 40 days of Lent, but fully participating in the Triduum, and then continuing for the full celebration of Easter until Pentecost.

Shrove Tuesday: This is a day to prepare ourselves properly for the renewal we seek in the Paschal Season by acknowledging and confessing our sins and receiving absolution (being shriven). Confessions will be available in the main church from 3 PM to 6 PM on this Tuesday. It is also a traditional day to clean out our pantries by using up those things that we will not be consuming as we fast during the 40 Days of Lent. In earlier times when Christians went on a rather strict vegetarian diet for the entirety of Lent, in addition to meat such items included eggs, butter, oil, flour and sugar, thus one way to use these up was to make pancakes, hence the day is also known as Pancake Tuesday, as well as animal fat Tuesday – Mardi Gras!

Fasting and Abstinence: Ash Wednesday and Good Friday remain the only two days in the entire year where a full fast is required, which means that only the equivalent of one meatless meal may be taken. The Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence which means that meat should not be eaten. These are minimal requirements, but the Church places them before us expecting that in our own spiritual maturity we will know how to make the entire season of Lent one that is frequently punctuated with fasting and abstinence as part of the sacrifice and self-denial we accept as the penance we are willing to do for our sins.

Ash Wednesday: Mass with distribution of ashes, 8:30 AM, 12:00 noon and 5:30 PM.

Word Service with the distribution of ashes, 7 PM.

The Parish Mission to the Village of El Tablon: Over the past several years the parish has in a sense adopted the village of El Tablon in Guatemala helping to build decent housing and provide means of self-sustenance to the poor who live there. This is one of the three charities we designate to receive a portion of the alms we give at the conclusion of Lent. On next weekend, Dr, Nicholas Matas will speak briefly at the beginning of each weekend Mass to update us on the good works we have accomplished thus far, and to inform us of what yet might be done with our charitable assistance.

Living Lent: A flyer is available at all the entrances this weekend outlining opportunities to participate in devotions and enrichment that may assist all parishioners to experience a more fruitful Lent; be sure to take one home and place it on your refrigerator!

