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Complete enlightenment is what eventually happens for us when we abandon our ego (sorry for the small type in this comic strip Non Sequitur stairway).  Note what is at the bottom of the stairway. "Amazing how hard they have to work to be like us," is what the dog says to the cat.  

They tell us humans: "Listen more and talk less."  They tell us: "Be present and open our minds." Many of us wouldn't make the second landing.

Like the game "Chutes and Ladders" if we made the third landing, many of us would not "Reject preconceptions," and down we would go back to the beginning.  

The fourth landing presents a great challenge: "Embrace diversity and welcome criticism (judgment)."  We Catholics might find Jesus at this spot to urge us along.  

The fifth landing might never be reached by most of us: "True wealth isn't monetary."  Those of us who make it likely would push that sitting wise man out of our way.

The sixth landing might be impassible for all but a very few of us: "Introspection - Realization of connection with all life."  With few exceptions, the vast majority of us think introspection refers to what we must do every year to get a car sticker that says pass or fail.  How pitiful are we?

If we can climb these stairs successfully to achieve complete enlightenment, we will have accomplished a Mt Everest-like climb.  Our sherpa will have been Jesus Christ carrying us on his shoulders for most of the way with the Holy Spirit giving us oxygen to survive the lofty climb.

How hard do you have to work to begin or complete your journey? Beat the dog and cat to the top.

Deacon David Pierce
