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Truth And Falsehood

My wife and I just returned from England after a 10-day trip.  In London we visited the Victoria and Albert Museum south of Kensington Gardens.  Impressive!  

One statue caught my eye.  It’s about Truth and Falsehood sculpted by Alfred Stevens from 1857-66.  Its plaque read: “Truth tears out the double tongue of Falsehood and pushes aside the mask concealing his grotesque features.  His serpent-like tails are exposed beneath the drapery.”

In politics and religion there are many double tongues of Falsehood.  Many wear masks hiding their grotesque features.  

Voters and the religious need to tear out and push aside that which opposes the Truth.  We know there are serpent-like tails under the “drapery” of pretense and self-serving evil purposes.  They must be exposed.  

Stevens produced his allegorical sculpture long ago. Its meaning is always relevant and especially so this year and next.

Deacon David Pierce 
