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December 7 marks two important holidays and historical events/trauma.  First is Chanukah — the Festival of Light (through December 15): (begin) Hanukkah tells the story of the revolt led by a small band of Jews, the Maccabees, to free themselves from their Greek rulers. Against all odds, the Jews defeated the Greeks and were able to reclaim their land and holy temple. 

Today, Jews light candles to commemorate the Chanukah miracle of how a tiny supply of oil burned bright and lit up the Holy Temple for eight days. But Chanukah is also a holiday in which Jews, like the ancient Jews sanctifying the temple, rededicate themselves to living by their values. (end)  

Also on December 7 is another remembrance of trauma and horror that triggered our involvement in World War II and the salvation of Europe from the wrath of Nazism brought about by Adolf Hitler’s twisted and evil mind.   Americans must reflect on fascism and Nazism that can spread like a cancer and is flourishing in America, certainly fascism with Neo-Nazis surfacing like toadstools in wet and fetid soil.

Remember Pearl Harbor is a familiar refrain.  Survivors, veterans, and visitors from all over the world come together to honor and remember the 2,403 service members and civilians who were killed during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. A further 1,178 people were injured in the attack, which permanently sank two U.S. Navy battleships (the USS Arizona and the USS Utah) and destroyed 188 aircraft.

On Aug. 23, 1994, the United States Congress designated Dec. 7 as National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. Every year, remembrance events are held at the Pearl Harbor National Memorial, culminating in a commemoration ceremony on Dec. 7.  What follows is “Remember Pearl Harbor 1941 (Words by Don Reid, Music by Don Reid and Sammy Kaye) 


History in ev'ry century records an act that lives forevermore.

We'll recall, as into line we fall, the thing that happened on Hawaii's




As we go to meet the foe.


As we did the Alamo.

We will always remember how they died for Liberty.


And go on to victory."

The United States has many foes.  Many are internal as they seek to damage/destroy our democracy and replace it with authoritarian rule.  Many people have been misled and deceived by propaganda on the news and through social media.  Let’s remember January 6, 2021, 80 years after the Pearl Harbor attack and carnage: REMEMBER THE INSURRECTION!

Deacon David Pierce
