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Giving Tree

What follows is a well-known story called "The Giving Tree."  

(begin) Once there was a tree. And she loved a little boy. Every day the boy would come, and he would gather her leaves and make them into crowns and play king of the forest. 

He would climb up her trunk and swing from her branches, and when he was tired, he would sleep in her shade. And the boy loved the tree very much. And the tree was happy. But time went by, and the boy grew older. And the tree was often alone. 

Then one day the boy came to the tree and the tree said: "Come, Boy, come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be happy." 

"I am too big to climb and play," said the boy. "I want to buy things and have fun. I want some money. Can you give me some money?” 

“I’m sorry,” said the tree, “but I have no money. I have only leaves and apples. Take my apples, boy, and sell them in the city. Then you will have money and you’ll be happy.” And so, the boy climbed up the tree and gathered her apples and carried them away. And the tree was happy. But the boy stayed away for a long time, and the tree was sad. 

And then one day the boy came back, and the tree shook with joy, and she said: “Come, boy come and climb up my trunk and swing from my branches and eat apples and play in my shade and be happy.” 

“I am too busy to climb trees,” said the boy. “I want a house to keep me warm. I want a wife and I want children, and so I need a house. Can you give me a house?" 

“I have no house. The forest is my house,” said the tree, “but you may cut off my branches and build a house. Then you will be happy.” And so, the boy cut off her branches and carried them away to build a house. And the tree was happy. 

But the boy stayed away for a long time, and the tree was sad.  And when he came back, the tree was so happy she could hardly speak. “Come, boy,” she whispered, “Come and play.”

“I am too old and sad to play. I want a boat that will take me away from here. Can you give me a boat?"

“Cut down my trunk and make a boat,” said the tree. “Then you can sail away and be happy.” And so, the boy cut down her trunk And made a boat and sailed away. And the tree was happy. But not really. 

And after a long time, the boy came back again. “I am sorry, boy, but I have nothing left to give you. My apples are gone. 

“My teeth are too weak for apples,” said the boy. 

“My branches are gone. You cannot swing on them,” said the tree.  

“I am too old to swing on branches,” said the boy.  

“My trunk is gone. You cannot climb me,” said the tree.  

“I am too tired to climb,” said the boy. 

“I am sorry. I wish that I could give you something, but I have nothing left. I am just an old stump. I am sorry,” said the tree.  

“I don’t need very much now, just a quiet place to sit and rest. I am very tired,” said the boy. 

“Well,” said the tree, straightening herself up as much as she could. “An old stump is good for sitting and resting. Come, boy, sit down and rest.”  And the tree was happy. (end)

Many lessons can be learned from this story.  One would be: how many of us love someone so much that we give, and give, and give with no other reward than to make that person happy?  Even when that demanding person takes advantage of our good nature and love without showing gratitude?  Many of us givers do just that.  

Love can be an old stump on which we let our loved ones sit.  In fact, our God is that "old stump" on which we sit throughout our lives making us happy and loved.  God asks nothing in return except we acknowledge and accept that love as well as God's mercy and forgiveness.

Deacon David Pierce
