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Oh yes, so spiritual and life changing.  Too many of us do not take advantage of God's creation.  We view it from windows or from afar.  Yet, we are surrounded by beauty and the miracles of God's creation (not mosquitos).  

Noses against windowpanes are a poor excuse for touching the real thing.  The most incredible outdoor experiences can be had on Cape Cod.  The coastline, the woodlands, and everywhere in between need to be touched, at least with our feet as we walk that mile or soak in that beauty and exercise our bodies and souls.

Too many of us are bumps on logs letting the moss grow over us.  Jesus never said, "Sit down and take a load off."  He said, "Walk with me, and at a brisk pace."  That's how fast we must go to keep up with him.  It's a long-distance walk or run.  

So, let's tie our sneakers and make tracks for others to follow.  Jesus likes groups where relationships form and grow to usher in the Kingdom of God. And, let's remember along the way to smell the roses and breathe in the salt air. No Cheetos for us.

Deacon David Pierce
