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Play Don't Stay


Today is January 1- the beginning of a new year. Perhaps I'll improve my chess skills.  At one time I thought I was a pretty good player.  I play well enough to enjoy the game made more attractive to me by the movie "The Queen's Gambit." Great movie with a focus on the perils of addiction to alcohol and drugs.

Many of us fear being "checkmated."  We fear the future and possible failure.  In a way we sit at the chess board not wanting to make a move for fear of defeat.  Or, we are unwilling to accept defeat when it is unavoidable.  We avoid and hide. 

We often refuse to play thereby preventing ourselves from achieving success and happiness.  There are always risks, and risk avoidance can lead to uneventful lives.  True there is the agony of defeat but there can be the thrill of victory.  So, let's play the game of life instead of waiting forever until we kick the bucket.

When it is game over, we should be able to look back on our lives to take pleasure in our wins and even our losses. But for now, it is your move.

Deacon David Pierce
