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Ah! The heavens above us! Actually, we are part of the heavens. We limit our thinking and vision to the Milky Way Galaxy with our solar system being found on one of the galaxy's spiral arms.  We do so because we cannot wrap our arms and thinking around the size of the universe and the concept of time.  Time stops at the speed of light.  What!?  I'm still dumfounded by that fact.

We speak and live as if we human beings have special grandeur.   Sure, in our own eyes.  But how do we change our perspective to appreciate we are just extremely small fish in an incomprehensibly big pond?  

Many of us think the world revolves around us.  Everything is a big deal for us in a "me, myself, and I" way of thinking. Consider that creation began well before our ape-like ancestors evolved on planet Earth.  God's creation - not counting human beings - is marvelous.

Consider that life on Earth has existed for about 3.7 billion years and likely originated in the deep ocean.  Human origin dates back about seven million years.  God's creative spirit predates our origin by about 3.5 billion years!  So, what makes us so special in the grand scheme of things?  Does God love us more than the rest of God's creation?  Unlikely.

Deacon David Pierce
